Progressive Safe System

Progressive Safe System

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Safety Made Simple

Preparing for 28 October 2024

If you hold an existing HGV safety permit for a zero, one or two star rated HGV, it will expire at midnight on 27 October 2024. Your zero one or two star rated vehicle must have the Progressive Safe System fitted to operate in London from 28 October 2024. Whether or not the operator considers the vehicle to meet the standards, all lorries over 12 tonnes (GVW) entering or operating in Greater London need to hold a valid HGV safety permit before using the area to avoid receiving a PCN.

It is not possible to change the star rating of your vehicle, as this is given at the point of manufacture and cannot be altered through aftermarket equipment. Fitting the Progressive Safe System is required to mitigate for limited direct vision where vehicles are rated below the minimum star rating to operate in London.

Direct Vision Standard (DVS) Cameras & Compliance

The Mayor of London is dedicated to ensuring the safety of London's streets, with a firm commitment to eliminating all deaths and serious injuries by 2041 as part of Vision Zero. To realize this goal, a comprehensive safe systems approach to road safety is being pursued, encompassing the enhancement of all facets of the road environment, including streets, vehicles, speeds, and behaviors, to safeguard individuals and prevent tragedies. Historically, Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) have been disproportionately involved in fatal collisions with vulnerable road users, underscoring the necessity for action. This led to the launch of the world's first Direct Vision Standard (DVS) in October 2019

Reducing Road Danger

How has the DVS and HGV Safety Permit Scheme changed?

Since the DVS was launched in 2019, the minimum DVS star rating for HGVs to operate in London has been one star. Vehicles that were zero star or unrated had to fit additional safety measures, which were known as the Safe System, to operate in London. From October 2024, these requirements will be enhanced, and the minimum DVS rating required will be three stars. This means that vehicles rated two or below on the DVS star rating scale, including unrated vehicles, will need to fit the new PSS.

What is the Progressive Safe System?

The PSS is a set of vehicle safety measures, fitted after or at the point of manufacture, which are designed to reduce the risks that HGVs present to vulnerable road users. To ensure consistency, the PSS is aligned to other scheme requirements, including existing and forthcoming standards such as the European Union and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regulations where possible. 

How do I make my vehicle compliant? 

Until 27 October 2024, the minimum DVS rating to operate in London is one star; this will increase to three stars from 28 October 2024. If your vehicle meets the relevant minimum DVS star rating, you will be able to apply for a permit without taking further action to fit additional safety measures. If your vehicle does not meet the relevant minimum DVS star rating, or is not rated, you will need to make your vehicle safer by fitting the PSS by 28 October 2024 before receiving a permit.

Direct Vision Standard Requirements 

The system is based on a star rating from 0 to 5, which categorises your vehicle by what is directly visible to the driver from the cab, without the use of additional equipment. All vehicles are given a star rating when they leave the production line and do not take any aftermarket safety systems into account. If your vehicle does not meet the minimum DVS requirement of one star, you will need to install Safe System improvements. These include:

  • A fully operational camera monitoring system
  • Class V and VI mirrors
  • A sensor system with alerts to warn road users of intended manoeuvres
  • An audible indicator alarm for left turns
  • Warning signage to minimise the physical impact of a hazard
  • Side under-run protection

*Vehicles with zero stars and an approved DVS Safe System will be given a permit until 25 October 2024 (when vehicles with two stars or below will need to update to a Progressive Safe System)

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